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Závěrečná práce z matematiky - 1. ročník

Easy DIY Craft Bunny from Krokotak - idea to do with kids for lazy afternoons

 We tried this idea, among many other from wonderful krokotak and we were absolutely captivated. I enjoyed time with the boys after they arrived from school and kindergarten, respectively. The special time we try to have after the daily schedule is so good for us, it helps us reconnect, relax and simply leave out all the tensions that children might have acquired during the day.  I have prepared  video  with the activity and the results. The idea from krokotak popped up on my FB feeds and I absolutely love all their crafts. Are so easy and nice to try out with kids. Materials are quite easy to find and as we had the Easter and spring holidays we tried to make every day something fun and crafty. The video is from last weeks but I am posting it later now, as time flew so fast and we enjoyed it but never actually managed to edit and make the blog materials from it. So, maybe it inspires you to have some activity with kids. Even a paper plane, anything with you they will...

Want to Help with Food/Hygienic supply Donations but are Tight on Budget? This place has it cheap

Offering a constant support to refugees is so important these days. Looking at the people around us how much they got involved, is so amazing, the strength and solidarity. Everyone I know helps and most importantly, continues to do so. Every day. Because these people were taken away from their lives, their homes and here all is so new and scary. They need every support that is possible.  I believe that giving money donations, clothes and food is so important but to me the heroes are those who make sure all these donated stuff arrives at the right people. The infrastructure and manpower needed to support the families coming here are so critical and hats off to all the staff and people who volunteer their time to help. That is so important.  To support the people who help with their time and put the effort to bring all the donations at the right people, at least we can do is provide them with a constant in flow of food/hygiene/needes products. The place at Brno Exhibition Center...

Gardening as Therapy (or what saves me from depression)

 I have realised that having a hobby or something pleasant to do can bring much benefits to health and spirit. Although in past, before having our kids I had lots of available time, I did not really pay any attention to my hobbies and things that made me happy. I was just doing some physical activity, regularly (which I should probably restart, by the way) and then work, work work on the holy land of a corporation. I was mainly focused on my job, what to do next to grow in career and that was a complete waste of time, which to my shame I only realised years later. So, doing what I love and loving what I do is what keeps me going. Is what gives me energy and power to give it back to my family. How can I care for them if I don't take care of myself a little, also? Gardening is one of my favourite ways to spend time. Nothing brings more relaxation than seeing how seeds germinate in time, wondering what will they bring to the surface. We are blessed with a small garden and make the mos...

In Times of Less Words, More Could be Achieved

 I have not found the power to post in a while, in view of recent world events and the situation in Ukraine. The way all world seems to be connected and fight for good overwhelmed me, the difficult times of Ukranian people made me less willing to talk. I am sure no one noticed the lack of posting in here and that is not really the point of this article. The point is that sometimes we can choose to be silent and still achieve things, help the ones in need. Be it a donation, volunteering your free time and so on. I have posted a few links on the FB page ExpatMom, with helpful information in these times, we choose to donate what is possible for us. Anyone can help in this situation. I spent most of the last days with our family and at the small garden, praying and helping in the way we could with the war situation. Czech Republic welcomed more than 200,000 refugees and that is something  indeed. A lot of suffering people need help and support right now.  What else can I writ...

Housátka - by Josef Václav Sládek (English translation of czech poem suitable for preschoolers)

  Housátka Zelená, zelená travička, sešla studená rosička; jarní slunko zlatou nití vyšívá na lukách kvítí, housátka se v trávě svítí jako zlatá klubíčka. the Goslings Green, green grass, covered by a sunny cold spring is threading with golden rays embroiding flowers on the meadows, goslings shine in the grass like a golden ball. --------------------------------------------------- 2nd interpretation: the Goslings On its green, green meadows covered by the sunny cold Spring is using golden threads to embroide flowers on the meadows, while goslings hide in grass shinning like a golden ball. Sources: photo with 3 goslings from  here poem from  here translations and interpretations in English are done by me (ExpatMom), using dictionaries available online and offline Do you have something to add/correct? Please let me know in comments bellow! Thank you

Trying to translate poem Sluníčko by Josef Václav Sládek - suitable for 1st year schoolers/preschoolers

  Attention, This post is. a mix of English and Czech,  I am simply keeping a journal of the poems selections suitable for preschoolers and primary school students. I think it will be helpful in future. As a foreigner, is really hard to find what are the suitable, classic poems here so I use the Internet and hope to not make a disaster. If you have a translatuion, please help me viat the comments section. Thank you!  Nejlepší básničky pro děti - great pomes for kids Sluníčko Já kočička malá, jak jsem ráno vstala, hned jsem to sluníčko smát se uhlídala. A kdyby se smálo stokrát do pokoje, tak se neusměje, jak matička moje. In English could sound like: the Sun I am a little cat (kitten), who just got up in the morning Just now looking  at the smiling sun. And if he (the Sun) laughed hundred times in the room, That smile won't be Like my mom's.