
Showing posts with the label prvni rocnik expatmom livinginbrno parentsinBrno support for school lessons how to read the czech school schedule rozvrh PRV explained CJ explained

Overview of Subjects Studied in First Grade Czech Schools (CJ, M, PRV, TV, HV, VV)

 When our eldest joined first grade (prvni rocnik) I remember how lost I felt while looking at all the abbreviations in the school schedule (rozvrh) for each discipline. In this post I gathered information and summarised general information about what is studied and how each discipline is called in the first  grade (student of 1st class is also called prvnak, class is prvni rocnik). In the Czech school system, the following disciplines are typically studied in the first grade: Czech Language (ČJ) Mathematics (M) Environmental Studies (Přírodověda also known as Prvouka or PRV) Music Education (Hudební výchova also known as HV) Physical Education (Tělesná výchova also known as TV) Art Education (Výtvarná výchova also known as VV) Ethics and Culture (Etická a kulturní výchova) Note: This list may vary slightly depending on the specific school or region. Czech Languag e (ČJ) In the Czech school system, Czech Language, or "Český jazyk" (abbreviated as "CJ" in schedules),...