Housátka - by Josef Václav Sládek (English translation of czech poem suitable for preschoolers)


Zelená, zelená travička,
sešla studená rosička;
jarní slunko zlatou nití
vyšívá na lukách kvítí,
housátka se v trávě svítí
jako zlatá klubíčka.

the Goslings

Green, green grass,
covered by a sunny cold
spring is threading with golden rays
embroiding flowers on the meadows,
goslings shine in the grass
like a golden ball.

2nd interpretation:

the Goslings

On its green, green meadows
covered by the sunny cold
Spring is using golden threads
to embroide flowers on the meadows,
while goslings hide in grass
shinning like a golden ball.

photo with 3 goslings from here
poem from here

translations and interpretations in English are done by me (ExpatMom), using dictionaries available online and offline

Do you have something to add/correct? Please let me know in comments bellow!
Thank you


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