Want to Help with Food/Hygienic supply Donations but are Tight on Budget? This place has it cheap

Offering a constant support to refugees is so important these days. Looking at the people around us how much they got involved, is so amazing, the strength and solidarity. Everyone I know helps and most importantly, continues to do so. Every day. Because these people were taken away from their lives, their homes and here all is so new and scary. They need every support that is possible. 
I believe that giving money donations, clothes and food is so important but to me the heroes are those who make sure all these donated stuff arrives at the right people. The infrastructure and manpower needed to support the families coming here are so critical and hats off to all the staff and people who volunteer their time to help. That is so important. 
To support the people who help with their time and put the effort to bring all the donations at the right people, at least we can do is provide them with a constant in flow of food/hygiene/needes products. The place at Brno Exhibition Center is just one example were you can bring your donation and they accept until the evening. You can make donations via charities even by simple sms, but also at your local online shop/or shops, for ex. there are vouchers in rohlik.cz. I saw this option in many other online shops. For everyone there is a right way to help.
To keep the help coming constantly for sure is a struggle especially on the volunteers or can have an impact on the monthly expenses, especially when you are large family. We are of 5, 2 adults and 3 young children. But, there are options. Besides selling old stuff, donating toys and making sure the profit returns to those who actually need it, we can also buy canned food and stuff at decent prices.

One can give their time and resources which in my opinion is the greatest donation, is priceless. A way to help is suitable for anyone. 

If you are on tight budget (like most normal people these days who are facing inflation and increasing gas/all prices), I suggest you try and buy canned food and hygiene supplies at lower prices. So, I recommend giving it a try. 
At Globus hypermarket you have this brand (new?, not sure I never saw it before) called MyPrice and it has brilliant scores. We tested some of their products before choosing to donate, and are more than reasonable quality. The peas are soft and don\t dry out while cooking. Pasta is not sticky and the pre-boiled rice the same. Sure you can buy more expensive food to donate, we chose a balance suitable for everyone. If, like us you need to make it work on long term, like weekly or simply need to have larger package this might help. I am leaving a photo with the MyPrice branded food, so you can see is easy to recognise it. 

You might have already done this and then let me know which other non perishable food products at reasonable price you tested and found to be allright for consumption so we can add to our list.

In case you need help or ideas with how to help during these dark time, let me know. I am sure any district/region or even your local shop has a way to receive and send further your donation. 


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