Homework Journal (druhy rok, Cesky Jazyk): Slovo a Slovni Vyznam pracovni sesit domaci ukol
Well, here I am logging the journey. The reason I decided to keep some kind of journal of these homework is that it might help me with our sons when they will join school. Now the eldest is in second grade and I am already starting to feel overwhelmed. I know, is not my responsibility his homework, no I do not prepare his schoolbag for next day. But, I do check on him, how he is doing in school and in general, I sit and help next to him during the homework making process. I am lucky he is so smart and knows Czech. But I do not know (to my shame) so I use my best friend assistant Dr. Google Translator. To make the process easier, sometimes I print and make own notes, translate in advance the tasks or write down in own language so I know how to explain him in native then in Czech. For me, until now, I find Czech Langauge discipline as being the most difficult. I would love to hear from other parents, mothers, fathers or grandparents out there. How do you do it and what advice ...