
Gluten Free Apple Pie (the way we like it)

 This is a traditional desert we usually make at least every 2-3 weeks, it is tasty and lasts well the next day, in case I bake at least 2 batches, or trays. The pie is made in gluten free option, but replacing the flour can bring similar results. Baking gluten free is a necessity in our family. I use Schar Mix Universal for mainkg this and it was ready in under 1 hour, but I did let it sit 30 min before powdering and slicing it in large squares, like we love it. Link to video how we make this pie at home Ingredients: 450 g Schar Universal Mix flour 250 g butter at room temp 2 eggs a pinch of salt some gf baking powder (aprx. 6g) You can make the dough sweet or not, depends - both ways it will be tasty. In case of no sugar I suggest using more apples for the filling. But if you prefer sweeter, here our tested options: 120 g white powder sugar plus 10g for sprinkling at the end (we sometimes substitute sugar for honey or dates cream as they are more health options). This 120g is th...

Hiking Route to Údolí Ponávky - a lovely spring walk for all ages

I realised that one important detail that we never mentioned here but we do regularly are our outdoor walks and hikes. There is no better time for us to spend than going outdoors. The one thing I do regularly as physical movement are the daily walks. At the weekend we take longer hikes and make it interesting by adding stops, nature games, small treasure hunts, just play hide and seek or admire the plants and nature in general. What better way to spend the time. SO, the idea came to keep the journal of our hikes here also, as sometimes I need to remember some routes and having them saved in one place would be nice, rather than on my files which are not well kept in one place organised. Trying to put together the details and information is a good idea also because many families with children usually love spending times outdoors. As foreigners here, finding information about various routes and hikes really takes some time, I spend a few 1-2h every week to plan our next hike. It might see...

Overview of Subjects Studied in First Grade Czech Schools (CJ, M, PRV, TV, HV, VV)

 When our eldest joined first grade (prvni rocnik) I remember how lost I felt while looking at all the abbreviations in the school schedule (rozvrh) for each discipline. In this post I gathered information and summarised general information about what is studied and how each discipline is called in the first  grade (student of 1st class is also called prvnak, class is prvni rocnik). In the Czech school system, the following disciplines are typically studied in the first grade: Czech Language (ČJ) Mathematics (M) Environmental Studies (Přírodověda also known as Prvouka or PRV) Music Education (Hudební výchova also known as HV) Physical Education (Tělesná výchova also known as TV) Art Education (Výtvarná výchova also known as VV) Ethics and Culture (Etická a kulturní výchova) Note: This list may vary slightly depending on the specific school or region. Czech Languag e (ČJ) In the Czech school system, Czech Language, or "Český jazyk" (abbreviated as "CJ" in schedules),...

Learning Czech as a Foreign Language from the Perspective of Foreign Families with Multilingual Children

The Czech Republic is a country rich in culture, history, and language, and for foreign families, it can be an exciting and enriching experience to raise their children in this unique environment. However, for children who are growing up in multilingual households, learning Czech as a second language can present many challenges and difficulties. One of the primary challenges faced by multilingual children when learning Czech is the linguistic difference between their native language and the Czech language. Czech has a complex grammar system and pronunciation, which can make it difficult for children to grasp the language quickly. Additionally, the language has several unique expressions and words that can be challenging to understand and remember. Studies have shown that the earlier a child is exposed to a second language, the easier it is for them to learn and adapt. However, even children who have been exposed to the Czech language from an early age may struggle with the language....

Brno, an Adoptive City for Many Expat Families

Brno, the second-largest city in the Czech Republic, is home to a diverse and thriving community of foreign families from around the world. In recent years, the number of expatriates living and working in Brno has risen significantly, with people from countries like the UK, Germany, Russia, and the US, among others, choosing to make this city their home. Statistics indicate that as of 2021, there are over 15,000 foreign nationals living in Brno, with the majority of them being employed in the city's booming IT and engineering sectors. The city's strong economic growth, affordable cost of living, and high quality of life have made it an attractive destination for expatriates looking to advance their careers and start new families. For many foreign families in Brno, work is not the only thing on their minds. They also have plenty of opportunities to enjoy their free time and explore the city's many cultural attractions, such as its numerous museums, theatres, and music venues...

Evaluation Worksheet for czech language, 2nd grade

 This example is made by me, using the langauge examples available, with inspiration from what is being requested at the current 2nd grade, primary school here in Czechia. Some schools ask more, some ask less, this is just example for what is needed in our region. I am simply keeping it as a reminder in the personal journal so I will know how to help and prepare for such test, practice with our sons. If it is suitable, you can also use it. I will use this example in my next work but make it in billingual form, so the non czech speaking families can also have a support during work with children at chool. So yeah, for now here is a mixed post with presentation in English but file TEST is in czech language. Please let me know fi you use it, fie is subject to copyright (I worked 3 hours to make it) so it would make me happy to know you find it useful. Jména a přjimení:                    ...

Homework Journal (druhy rok, Cesky Jazyk): Slovo a Slovni Vyznam pracovni sesit domaci ukol

 Well, here I am logging the journey. The reason I decided to keep some kind of journal of these homework is that it might help me with our sons when they will join school. Now the eldest is in second grade and I am already starting to feel overwhelmed. I know, is not my responsibility his homework, no I do not prepare his schoolbag for next day. But, I do check on him, how he is doing in school and in general, I sit and help next to him during the homework making process. I am lucky he is so smart and knows Czech. But I do not know (to my shame) so I use my best friend assistant Dr. Google Translator. To make the process easier, sometimes I print and make own notes, translate in advance the tasks or write down in own language so I know how to explain him in native then in Czech.  For me, until now, I find Czech Langauge discipline as being the most difficult. I would love to hear from other parents, mothers, fathers or grandparents out there. How do you do it and what advice ...