
Showing posts from February, 2022

Housátka - by Josef Václav Sládek (English translation of czech poem suitable for preschoolers)

  Housátka Zelená, zelená travička, sešla studená rosička; jarní slunko zlatou nití vyšívá na lukách kvítí, housátka se v trávě svítí jako zlatá klubíčka. the Goslings Green, green grass, covered by a sunny cold spring is threading with golden rays embroiding flowers on the meadows, goslings shine in the grass like a golden ball. --------------------------------------------------- 2nd interpretation: the Goslings On its green, green meadows covered by the sunny cold Spring is using golden threads to embroide flowers on the meadows, while goslings hide in grass shinning like a golden ball. Sources: photo with 3 goslings from  here poem from  here translations and interpretations in English are done by me (ExpatMom), using dictionaries available online and offline Do you have something to add/correct? Please let me know in comments bellow! Thank you

Trying to translate poem Sluníčko by Josef Václav Sládek - suitable for 1st year schoolers/preschoolers

  Attention, This post is. a mix of English and Czech,  I am simply keeping a journal of the poems selections suitable for preschoolers and primary school students. I think it will be helpful in future. As a foreigner, is really hard to find what are the suitable, classic poems here so I use the Internet and hope to not make a disaster. If you have a translatuion, please help me viat the comments section. Thank you!  Nejlepší básničky pro děti - great pomes for kids Sluníčko Já kočička malá, jak jsem ráno vstala, hned jsem to sluníčko smát se uhlídala. A kdyby se smálo stokrát do pokoje, tak se neusměje, jak matička moje. In English could sound like: the Sun I am a little cat (kitten), who just got up in the morning Just now looking  at the smiling sun. And if he (the Sun) laughed hundred times in the room, That smile won't be Like my mom's.

Solar System from Polistiren

 Keeping the boys busy at most times made me realise in time, that I must learn to enjoy the activities with them. Otherwise, I risk a burn out on the long term. I did have times when such burn happened and it was hard to come back to the previous energy levels, bring myself into the play state and always stay curious and enthusiast about the wonderful world of childhood. I am an adult and day to day responsibilities do have a toll on my energy levels and state. Is not only rainbows and sunshine or unicorns but I try every day to be better for them, to be there for them and offer the support they so much need. Most of the times we enjoy the great outdoors but the boys do have lots of indoor activities as well.  I use the Internet a lot for inspiration but at times we just do whatever crosses our minds, invent games and make toys from cardboard (we did cars, house, an airplane and rockets). The elder boys seem to be very interested about the Universe and so we have My first Big...

Enrollment for the school year 2022/2023

 I will be updating this post as the process unfolds until 1 March, 2022. For now we have the overview like any other year about the enrolling process and we will follow the schedule: - phase 0: is now before the application forms are in the system - phase 1: 1April - 30 April (issuing of applications) - phase 2: 2 May-3 May (gathering the application forms from parents/guardians) - phase 3: 17 May 2022 (admission processing and informing) I have been doing also a video on this topic but in my native language. As soon as I manage translation subtitles will update it here also. Source: The place of permanent residence of the child is decisive for determining the catchment school (Section 36, Paragraph 5 of the Education Act).