The Power of a Magic Corner
All days are not the same with three young boys at home. But, some days are too much the same and routines are sometimes overwhelming me. I need to have a break from time to time, I take long walks, try to sleep as much as possible, eat well and plan a lot to exercise. I find that small things done every day are magical, like 5 minutes of stretching or 30 minutes reading time. Done constantly, these activities do help on the long run.
No matter how hard I try, there are days when I loose my balance. I am human, not a robot. I found in recent years that caring fro plants works wonders for me. Is like the forest therapy, just I don't have to go outside to do it. My small, no very fancy but full of love magical corner is what saves the day, almost every day. When I am lost, depressed and feel like everything is out of control I just take a look at this small magical corner filled with plants. Is my point of return every day. Is the only place from the house that is not destroyed or upside down. That is, partly because boys now are caring for the plants as well and while the youngest had some attempts to explore/destroy the magical corner, in the end we managed to save it. Now the corner is safe. It keeps my nerves safe. It calms everyone in the house from time to time, I like to think. I will always thank you, dear corner for being with us at all times.
Here is a photo with the corner:
I think everyone should enjoy and care for a magical corner. But I also hope they do better job than me, as is not the best example, this saviour of a plant corner deserves much more care.
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