This Will Save You a Trip to the MSSZ Office - An Easy Step by Step Guide by ExpatMom

Is not a secret that the Czech Postal Services are working great but for newly arrived expats it might be something easily disregarded. Will be starting a weekly series with short step by steps guides on how to ask some paperwork via email from various Czech based offices. I am doing it first for me, to have these details in future, in case someone asks me or I might just forget and is handy to have it here.

If you are on a maternity leave and the term for your Parental Leave start is close, you might need a paper from MSSZ office which states you are on a maternal leave. 
If you are Czech native speaker, this guide is not for you and you might even find it funny, this guide is just for new expat moms of Brno - sorry to say it:  exhausted moms, like me who really don't wish to make that trip to Gajdosova street and wait in line to take the paper.

First, you can call them but I haven't try that as I cannot speak Czech on that level or any level...
if it matters.

How to Compose the Email Request to MSSZ/ my example in czech
Note that in yellow you must fill in your data + residence address might be good idea also

Email Title: potvrzeni na materska dovolena

Dobry den,

Potřebuji oficiální prohlášení, že mám nárok na dávky v mateřství pro mé (fill in your child name here) dítě, nar. (child date of birth here).

Tyto informace potřebuji u Urad Prace za žádost o rodičovskou výplatu

Jmenuji se: fill in your name here
Rodné číslo: put your own rodne cislo here or your birth date

(prosim omlouvam se, mluvit spatne cesky)

I apologize for my very bad Czech language & hope you can understand me

Thank you

Send Your Request to this email address:

Wait 2-3 days for the MSSZ agent's reply who will confirm you they send it by post to your address.

To my future lazy Self: You're Welcome...


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