Tentative Translation of the The Easter Carol sang by Children in Chech Republic - Hody hody doprovody

Trying to learn Czech since 2011 but without much success and results, I quickly stopped my efforts. Now my son goes to kindergarten and cannot procrastinate anymore. I am learning from and for him this amazing, tongue tickling language - the czech language.

The text bellow for sure known by most preschoolers in Czech Republic and here is my own, free interpretation in English (in yellow highlights):

Hody hody doprovody,
Sing this holly holiday

Dejte vejce malovaný,
Put/bring the painted eggs

Nedáte-li malovaný,
If you don't have painted eggs

Dejte aspoň bílý,
Bring at least the white ones

Slepička vám snese jiný
The hen lays another egg

V komoře v koutku
In the hen roost corner

Na zeleným proutku.
In a green nest.

Proutek se ohýbá,
if the nest will break

Slepička kokrhá.
Then the hen crows

Dejte ji jísti,
So take and eat the eggs

Dejte jí píti,
Give the hen some water

Dejte jí semence,
Feed it some seeds

Ona snese tři vejce.
She will make three eggs.

Skoč panno do vody,
Go jump in the water

Pro ty černé jahody.
For there are black strawberries

Proč bych já tam skákala,
Why would I jump?

Své sukýnky máchala,
If my skirt gets all wett

Kde bych si je usušila?
Where would I dry it?

U pana Víta.
To Sir Vit

Vít není doma,
Vit is not home

Jel do Berouna
he went to Beroun

Pro čtyři ovce,
To buy four sheep

Pro pátého skopce,
For the Holly Friday

Pro šestého berana,
As the sixth one

Snědli jsme ho do rána
We ate it by morning

I s rohama.
Even with its horns

Pochválen buď Pán Ježíš Kristus.
Praised be the Lord Jesus Christ.


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