
Showing posts from April, 2019

Characteristics of Expat Parents - Just Another Blog By BrnoExpatMom

Being a parent is already hard enough, but parenting your cute, precious little energy bombs in a foreign country brings a little extra to the situation, of course the great things outweigh the bad, at least that is what we think so far. I searched online information about how the expat parenting is done, what are the common traits of expat communities and, particularly, how to the parents living in foreign countries are different from those who live in their native country.  I strongly believe the expat parenting has some peculiarities that are more prominent, we are a different segment of society groups and even if we prefer the global type of thinking and living, our behavior as parents is strongly shaped by the socio-economic context of the country we chose to relocate to. As not much information is available online - for example, statistics or real life opinions about the differences between the two groups, I came up with my own view on this. Far from me to label people - I t...

Tentative Translation of the The Easter Carol sang by Children in Chech Republic - Hody hody doprovody

Trying to learn Czech since 2011 but without much success and results, I quickly stopped my efforts. Now my son goes to kindergarten and cannot procrastinate anymore. I am learning from and for him this amazing, tongue tickling language - the czech language. The text bellow for sure known by most preschoolers in Czech Republic and here is my own, free interpretation in English (in yellow highlights): Hody hody doprovody, Sing this holly holiday Dejte vejce malovaný, Put/bring the painted eggs Nedáte-li malovaný, If you don't have painted eggs Dejte aspoň bílý, Bring at least the white ones Slepička vám snese jiný The hen lays another egg V komoře v koutku In the hen roost corner Na zeleným proutku. In a green nest. Proutek se ohýbá, if the nest will break Slepička kokrhá. Then the hen crows Dejte ji jísti, So take and eat the eggs Dejte jí píti, Give the hen some water Dejte jí semence, Feed it some seeds Ona snese tři vejce. She will mak...

The Farmers' Market in Brno (Zelny Trh)

We went to the veggies and fruits market on Saturday morning . It was our first visit this spring and kids were delighted about Brno city appearance, the market, honey bonbons, and gingerbread Easter eggs. I wanted to publish for you a detailed list of the prices on the Saturday farmers' market but was unable to find all I had on my list so here are the ones I got: -  2 branches of medium sized tomatoes - 80 czk (about 120 czk / kg) - 200 g walnuts - 23 czk / 100 g - 200 g goji seeds - 23 czk / 100 g - gingerbread Easter egg (kids were delighted) - 45 czk/ piece - 2 garden flowers in a pot - 15 czk / pot - fresh parsley - 15 czk - 500 g strawberries - 20 czk I wanted potatoes and fresh salads but these were not to be found on the market today. Maybe next time, as the season is not yet fully opened and with the latest freeze session maybe the crops were already damaged. Anyway, hope the cherries will survive this season. What are your thoughts on the farmer markets? Where ...