My Year in Review - 2020
Dear Reader, I know there are many possible explanations for me not posting anything the entire of 2020 and there are no suitable excuses so I will try not to make one. Instead, I want to thank you for being here and taking time to read into my posts for a little while. I am thankful for all the great things that happened during 2020 and most of all I am happy that our kids and families, loved ones are doing well and healthy. The boys grow so fast and we love every moment spent with them. We spend a lot of time in nature this year, even if we are outdoorsy by nature, yet we managed more time outside during this year. We learned to have more valuable time together as a family. We got them big boys' bikes and our 2nd boy learned how to bike. Our 3d boy walked on Mikulas holiday, just one month before his 1st birthday. We played a lot of board games and thanked God each day that we are all well and together. The boys bring so much joy and happiness to our hearts, Thank you God ...